Post Graduate Diploma in Holistic Nutrition & Clinical Dietetics

Programmes offered by Bombay College of Pharmacy in collaboration with LSI


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“Bombay College of Pharmacy
Government Aided Autonomous Institution
Approved by AICTE, PCI, and Affiliated with the University of Mumbai”

Post Graduate Diploma in Holistic Nutrition & Clinical Dietetics

Programme Description

This programme aims to equip the food and nutrition professionals with the in-depth knowledge and skills in nutrition research methods, nutrition analysis, community nutrition & communication, as well as food labelling and requirements. The skills and attributes will allow them to contribute effectively in nutrition research & food product development, applied nutrition & food marketing in food science, and public health promotion. This programme also provides an understanding of how to educate a community about the importance of nutrition, as well as the ever-changing relationship between nutrition and societal factors.

Post Graduate Diploma in Integrative Nutrition Dietetics Course Eligibility

Passed Graduation in any discipline. (Bachelor of Science with specialization in fields such as Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics, Home Science, Microbiology and related areas shall be preferred)

Post Graduate Diploma in Integrative Nutrition Dietetics Course Duration

1 Year

Learning & Teaching
Learning & Teaching

Our well-rounded curriculum provides an in-depth understanding of nutritional concepts, analytical and problem-solving skills and apply what they have learnt to individual patients and their specific needs.

Programme Highlights

Macronutrient Metabolism

  • Anabolism and catabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • Regulation of enzymes and enzyme activity
  • Production, functioning and imbalances of hormones and role of High energy compounds.

2A: Micronutrients 2B: Principles of Nutritional assessment

  • Functions, deficiency, toxicity of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Human body composition and maintenance of fluid electrolyte balance.
  • Growth monitoring and evaluation with anthropometric measurements and growth charts
  • Body composition assessment and biochemical indicators of nutrient deficiencies
  • Assessment of health through clinical sign and symptoms, and dietary nutrient analysis

Lifecycle Nutrition

  • Dealing with nutrition concerns and health problems during preconception
  • Nutrition requirement, physiological changes, role of hormones and health concerns during pregnancy and lactation
  • Growth, development and assessment of growth during infancy and childhood.
  • Addressing nutritional concerns and complementary feeding in children
  • Physiological changes, nutrition requirement, health concerns and eating disorders during adolescence
  • Nutritional concerns and assessment of health status in the adult and geriatric population.

Nutrition for weight management & Diabetes

  • Understanding eating disorders and management of weight loss
  • Composition of body weight, causes, complications and management of obesity
  • Nutritional implications and management of bariatric surgery
  • Pathophysiology, complications and management of type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes.

Pillars of holistic health

  • Effect of sleep deprivation and sleep on various systems of the body and management techniques
  • Types and benefits of exercise in physical and mental health
  • Impact of hydration and exercise on functioning and regulation of the human body.

Meal planning (P)

  • Preparation and standardisation of raw ingredients and cooked recipes
  • Developing exchange list and understanding the steps involved in planning diet
  • Planning diet for various stages across the human life cycle

Diet therapy and case studies -1

  • Planning therapeutic diets and cooking meals for underweight and overweight cases
  • Planning therapeutic diets and cooking meals for type 1 diabetes and GDM.

Nutrition for Gastrointestinal and Neurological diseases

  • Pathophysiology of upper gastrointestinal diseases and understanding complications and nutritional management
  • Exploring diversity in gut microbiota and understanding the link between gut and diseases
  • Etiology and pathophysiology of lower gastrointestinal tract and understanding the complications and medical nutrition therapy for managing the symptoms
  • Managing complications of liver and gallbladder diseases through medical nutrition therapy
  • Pathophysiology, lifestyle and nutritional management of neurological diseases

Cardiorespiratory and Renal nutrition

  • Pathophysiology and nutritional management of hypertension, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases
  • Clinical manifestation and nutritional management of diseases of the respiratory system
  • Pathophysiology and nutritional management of dialysis, kidney transplant and other acute and chronic renal diseases

Critical care Nutrition

  • Implications and complications of enteral and parenteral nutrition
  • Types, composition and route of administering feeds and formula
  • Carcinogenesis, types, complications and management of cancer
  • Physiological responses and metabolic changes in surgery, burn and trauma, focusing on its care and dietary management

Nutrition Care Process & Nutritional counselling

  • Understanding the role of a dietician and domain of nutritional care process
  • Steps involved in Nutritional assessment, diagnosis, intervention and monitoring with emphasis on documentation
  • Nutritional counselling and importance of the nutritional counselling process and communication

Diet therapy and case studies -2 (P)

  • Planning therapeutic diets and cooking meals for gastrointestinal and cardiorespiratory diseases
  • Planning therapeutic diets and cooking meals for renal, cancer and critical care patients

Fundamentals of Clinical Research (T)

  • Understanding objectives of clinical research and steps involved in research process
  • Types of research design and sampling techniques
  • Primary and secondary methods and tools of data collection in nutrition

Employability & Careers

Our students have many career options after completing the programme; right from launching their own practices to working with experts and many more. Some of the areas where one could get employed are:

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Dietitians (Private Consultant / Hospitals)
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Nutrition Content Writer (Newspaper / Magazines, etc)
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Nutritionists (NGO’s / Food / Hospitality Industry)
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