B.Sc./B.Sc. (Honours) in Integrative Nutrition & Dietetics - Santacruz
Programmes offered by Bombay College of Pharmacy in collaboration with LSI

B.Sc./B.Sc. (Honours) in nutrition and dietetics in Santacruz - Mumbai
Programme Description
The degree programme in Integrative Nutrition & Dietetics provides an in-depth insight into the science of nutrition and a healthy diet planning. This programme will expand your knowledge of nutrition and wellness, hone your skills as a nutritionist, and challenge you to think critically about health from a global perspective. The programme has been designed to meet the academic requirements and professional competencies for entry-level health professionals.
The curriculum has been developed in close consultation with chief dietitians and nutritionists globally, in order to provide students with up-to-date and relevant knowledge, as well as specialised skills in all domains of health & nutrition practice. This programme is the first step to a fulfilling career in nutritional health & wellness.
Programme Highlights
Basic Nutrition - energy and Macronutrients (Theory)
- Energy requirements in different stages of life.
- Role of carbohydrate, protein and fat in the body.
- Relate the body needs to the requirements of energy and macronutrients.
- Structure, composition, function and sources of Carbohydrates and Proteins
- The need for energy and macronutrients for the body
- Over and under nutrition
- Quality concerns of macronutrients
- Role of water in preventing certain diseases
- dehydration and overhydration
Human Physiology - I (Theory)
- Tenets of human physiology
- Physiology of cells and tissues
- Structure and functioning of blood and cardiovascular system
- Causes of anaemia and high blood pressure
A. International Sports Management - I (Theory) OR B. India Socio Political Economics System & Current Affairs
A. International Sports Management – I
- Strategic management process related to global market entry and management
- European Sport Law
- Asian and Oceania Sports
- Basic principles of strategic management
- Sports played around Eurasia
- Structure and governance of sports in Asia and Oceania
B. India Socio Political Economics System & Current Affairs
- Introduction to Indian and Western Ideology.
- Human Rights and Health
- Trending current affairs
- Role of politics
- Social, economic, and political factors that impact health and education outcomes, including poverty, inequality, discrimination, and conflict
- Factors influencing social progress
A. World Cultures - I (Theory) OR B. Business Mathematics & Statistics - I (Theory)
A. World Cultures – I
- Diversity and variety of cultures influencing the world today
- Demographics and its transition
- Basic concepts and methods of demography
- Concept of “humanity” and key features that distinguish humans from other species
- Diversity among the culture and religion
B. Business Mathematics & Statistics – I
- Applications of mathematics and statistical techniques in business decision-making
- Mathematical functions and their types
- Compounding and discounting of a sum using different types of rates
- Concepts and use equations, formulae, and mathematical expressions and relationships in a variety of contexts
- Mathematics in solving business problems
- Mathematical skills required in mathematically intensive areas in Economics and business
- Business calculus, simple and compound interest accounts
Food Analysis (Practical)
- Principles of starch and sugar cookery and their applications in food formulation
- Techniques of food analysis.
- Food groups
- Starch and sugar cookery
- Plant pigments
- Proximate analysis of foods.
Physiology (Practical)
- Structure of various cells in the human body
- Changes in the same during disease conditions
- Structure of blood cells
- Methods of estimating haemoglobin and measurement of heart rate and blood pressure
- Measurement of Impact of exercise on blood pressure and heart rate
Functional English - I (Theory)
- Common errors in various parts of English
- Effective expression in writing sentences
- Spelling and punctuations
- Usage of English words in different contexts
- Types of Sentences, Conversion of Sentences
Environmental Studies (Theory)
- Basic concepts of Environmental Science
- Types of Resources and Pollution
- Association of health risks with climate change
Constitution of India & Human Rights (Theory) Basics of Yoga – I/NSS/NCC
- Concepts and fundamentals of Human Rights in India
- Fundamental rights and duties
- Indian Constitutional Philosophy and Union and State Executive, Legislature and Judiciary
- History and fundamentals of yoga
- General Guidelines for Yoga practice
- Yogic practices of Health and Wellness
- Yama (Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya,
- Aparigraha) and Niyama (Shauch, Santosh, Tapa, Swadhyaya,Ishwarpranidhan)
- Asanas – Standing (Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Pada-Harkasana, Ardha-Chakrasana, Trikonasana), Sitting (Bhadrasana, Vajrasana, Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Vakrasana) Prone (Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Sulabhasana), Supine (Setu Bandhasana, Uttanapadasana, Pavanamuktasana)
Food Science and Food Chemistry (Theory)
- Food composition and nutritive value and chemistry of cereals, millets, legumes and pulses,
and fruits and vegetables their relevance to nutrition - Antinutritional factors in foods & methods of eliminating antinutritional factors present in cereals, millets, legumes and pulses.
- Various cooking procedures and their impact on nutritional quality and physicochemical characteristics of foods.
Basic Nutrition - Micronutrients (Theory)
- Physiological and metabolic role of vitamins and minerals
- Food sources and RDA of vitamins and minerals
- Causes and symptoms of micronutrient deficiency in the body
- Need for regular consumption of sufficient water and recommendations.
Microbial Food Spoilage (Theory)
- Types of microorganisms-Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses,Protozoa: classification and characteristics and requirements for their growth
- Microbial spoilage of perishable foods
- Microbial spoilage of non-perishable foods
- Various microbial food infections
- Common Microbial Food Intoxications Foods involved, causes, symptoms and prevention
International Sports Management - II (Theory) OR Indian Economy (Theory)
A. International Sports Management – II
- Strategic management process as it relates to global market entry and management
- Structure and governance of sport in North America
- Structure of international sport
- Role of governing bodies in the governance of international sports
- Structure, governance, revenue sources of Professional Sports Leagues
- Marketing and sponsorship in global economy
B. Indian Economy
- Major economic problems in India and their solutions
- Basic characteristics of Indian economy
- Modern tools of macro-economic analysis and policy framework
- Agriculture as the foundation of economic growth and development, progress and changing nature of the agricultural sector and its contribution to the economy as a whole
World Cultures - II (Theory) OR Business Mathematics and Statistics – II (Theory)
A. World Cultures – II
- Concepts associated with the study of world cultures
- General understanding of the diversity and variety of cultures influencing the world today
- People and their Customs – focusing on ethnicity and identity, as well as ways of communicating and expressing one’s culture (including language, music, dress, food, and others)
- Forces behind Globalization
- General understanding of global issues
- Multiple cultural perspectives by comparing and contrasting the cultural expressions of diverse world communities
- Geography and the location of different cultural groups in the world
B. Business Mathematics and Statistics – II
- Applications of mathematics and statistical techniques in business decision-making
- Equations, formulae, and mathematical expressions and relationships in a variety of contexts
- Mathematics in solving business problems
- Mathematical skills required in mathematically intensive areas in Economics and business.
- Uni-variate Analysis, Bi-variate Analysis, Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time-Series Analysis
Meal Planning - Practical
- Standardisation of Raw foods and Recipes
- Concept of food exchange system
- Food exchange list of various food groupscereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, dairy, fats, nuts and seeds
- Practical application of food exchange list in diet planning
- Understanding and computing RDA based on age, gender and physical activity.
- Planning a menu for an adult
Food Science - Practical
- Food groups, and Food guide pyramid
- Starch cookery – Gelatinization, Retrogradation, Dextrinization, Gluten formation
- Sugar cookery – Stages, and products
- Principles of food science while using milk and eggs in cooking
- Testing of commonly consumed foods for Adulterants
French – I (Theory)
- Alphabets, numbers and rules of French language
- Basic vocabularies and grammar of French language
- Articulate French words and sentences
- French culture and self-presentation
Personal Effectiveness at Workplace (Theory)
- Basic etiquettes at Workplace
- Public Speaking and Speech Composition
- Principles of effective presentations
Basics of Yoga – II/NSS/NCC/Sports/Cultural (Theory)
- Fundamentals of Yoga
- General Guidelines for Yoga practice
- Breathing Exercises: Kapalabhati Pranayama—Anuloma-Viloma, Shitali, Bhramari
- Yoga and Meditation: Prayer, dhyana, yoga geet
- Yoga for Stress Management and Relaxation
- Yoga Philosophy and Lifestyle
Lifecycle Nutrition - I (Theory)
- Physiology of Reproduction-spermatogenesis, oogenesis, pregnancy & stages of fetal growth and lactation.
- Nutritional requirements during preconception, pregnancy and lactation
- Benefits of breastfeeding to mother and baby
- Practice of breastfeeding in the community
- Lactation management
- Galactogogues
- Effects of lifestyle factors on fertility and lactation
- Nutritional needs and physiological changes during infancy and childhood
- Complementary foods
- Nutritional problems during infancy and toddlerhood
Food Processing (Theory)
- Principles of food processing
- Processing of various vegetarian and nonvegetarian foods and food products.
- Food additives and Food Fortification
- Effect of food additives and food fortification on health
- Government regulations on food additives
Human Physiology-II (Theory)
- Structure and functioning of gastrointestinal system, sensory organs, skeletomuscular system, genitourinary and renal system in the human body.
- Types and mechanism of immunity
- Reasons associated with diseases of Gastrointestinal, Skeletomuscular, Genitourinary & Renal system, and Endocrine System
- Symptoms of various hormonal imbalances
Corporate Communication and Public Relations – I (Theory) OR Quantitative Techniques - I (Theory)
A. Corporate Communication and Public
Relations – I
- Foundations of corporate communication
- Functions of corporate communication and public relations
- Strategies and tools to build and manage public relations activities
- Major emerging technology in corporate communication
- Public relations
B. Quantitative Techniques – I
- Basic concepts of Quantitative Techniques
- Application-based problems in Quantitative Techniques
- Descriptive Statistics
- Data visualization techniques (graphs, charts, histograms)
- Probability Theory
- Hypothesis testing
- Null and alternative hypotheses
- Type I and Type II errors
- Test statistics and p-values
- Common hypothesis tests (t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA)
Lifecycle Nutrition-1 (Practicals)
- Planning & preparation of diets for pregnant women – 2nd & 3rd trimester
- Planning & preparation of diets for lactating women during first and second half of lactation
- Planning & preparation of nutritious weaning foods, suitable for babies (6 months to 1 year of age)
- Planning and preparation of nutritious meals and recipes for toddlers
Functional English - II (Theory)
- Conversational ability
- Listening comprehension
- Applied Reading – applied reading strategies, active reading strategies and critical reading strategies
- Developing Writing
Healthy Cooking Practices (Practicals)
- Different methods of cooking
- Healthy cooking practices and nutrient retention
- Standardisation of utensils, raw and cooked foods
- Standardisation of commonly consumed recipes
- Nutritious food combinations in cookery using spices and condiments, microgreens and functional foods.
Lifestyle Pillars - I (Practicals)
- Healthy food and dietary diversity
- Dietary guidelines for Indians
- Exercise and hydration for health
- Impact of fasting on nutrient metabolism
- Concept of ‘intermittent fasting’ and its pros and cons
- Types of exercise in achieving a health body composition
- Exercise and hydration strategies for health
Lifecycle Nutrition-II (Theory)
- Growth and development during Childhood and adolescence
- Nutritional requirements and nutritional problems during Childhood and adolescence
- Physical and physiological changes during ageing
- Nutrition during adulthood and old age
- Effect of ageing on food intake and nutrient metabolism
Biochemistry (Theory)
- Basic concepts of biochemistry
- Types of Carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids,lipids and fatty acids
- Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and lipids
- Calculation of energy production from macronutrients.
- Intermediary metabolism
- Biochemistry of nucleic acids and nucleotides
- Concepts of Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides
Community Nutrition (Theory)
- Nutritional problems of population
- Purpose and implications of nutrition intervention programs
- Assessment of nutritional status of vulnerable groups of population
- Role of various national and International Organizations and Voluntary services in community nutrition programmes
- Nutrition education for community health
Nutritional and Clinical Biochemistry (Practical)
- Nutritional Biochemistry
- Assessment of protein nutritional status
- Assessment of mineral nutritional status
- Assessment of vitamin nutritional status Clinical Biochemistry Estimation and interpretation of biochemical reports in clinical conditions
- Anemia profile -Serum Iron, TIBC, Transferrin, and Ferritin,
- Blood glucose ( Fating, Postprandial, Random sugars) & GTT
- HbA1C
- LIpid Profile
Corporate Communication and Public Relations – II (Theory) OR Quantitative Techniques - I (Theory)
A. Corporate Communication and Public
Relations – II
- Foundation of corporate communication
- Interpretation of ethics and laws in corporate communication
- Functions of corporate communication and public relations
- Strategies and tools to build and manage public relations
- Strategic Planning and Research in Corporate Communication and public relations
B. Quantitative Techniques – I
- Quadratic Equations & Application of Statistical Techniques
- Application of Quantitative Techniques- I to various types of business relationships
- Descriptive Statistics for Univariate data, Bivariate data relevance of various basic statistical tools in the field of finance, economics, marketing, human resources,manufacturing and so on
Lifecycle Nutrition - II (Practicals)
- Preparation of nutritious diet for early and late childhood
- Preparation of nutritious diet for adolescent girls and boys
- Preparation of nutritious packed lunch
- Preparation of nutritious diet for adult male and female of different physical activity and
socioeconomic levels - Preparation of nutritious diet for elderly
Lifestyle Pillars - II (Practicals)
- Sleep quality as a pillar of healthy lifestyle
- Impact of sleep on health
- Factors affecting quality of sleep
- Concept of ‘Circadian Rhythm’ and its impact on health
- Different stressors and their impact on physical and mental health
- Stress management
Nutrition in Metabolic & Endocrine disorders (Theory)
- Metabolic disorders of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism
- Metabolic effects of sleep and exercise in health and disease
- Nutrition for weight management
- Eating disorders
- Role of lifestyle modifications in prevention and management of obesity and eating disorders
- Nutritional management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Nutrition in Endocrine Disorders – Type 1 Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Thyroid
disorders, Adrenal disorders, PCOD
Nutritional Care Process and Special Feeding Techniques (Theory)
- Principles of nutrition care process
- Therapeutic adaptations of the normal diet
- Special feeding techniques – Enteral & Parenteral Nutrition
- Composition and complications of Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Food Preservation (Theory)
- Principles of food preservation
- Use of fermentation in food preservation
- Preservation of foods at low temperature
- Irradiation
- Preservation of foods at high temperature
- Use of natural and chemical preservatives
- Use of antioxidants and enzymes in food preservation
- Modern methods of food preservation
Nutrition in Adverse Climatic Condition (Theory)
- Nutrition at high altitude
- Nutrition for deep sea divers
- Nutrition in extreme cold climate
- Nutrition in extreme hot climate
- Need for nutritional supplements and antioxidants
- Challenges faced in food supply and consumption
Food Psychology (Theory)
- Introduction to Food Psychology
- Food choices of consumer
- Neurophysiological regulation of food intake
- Applications of food psychology in health and disease prevention
- Behaviour modification strategies to influence food and nutrition choices in disease conditions
- Theory of planned behaviour and healthy eating
Nutritional counselling (Theory)
- Strategies of nutritional counselling
- Process of nutritional counselling
- Designing of counselling model
- Nutritional counselling of vulnerable groups of population
- Nutritional counselling in therapeutic conditions
Diet Therapy (Practicals)
- Planning and preparation of diets for weight management, Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, GDM, Thyroidism, Cortisol disorders, PCOD
Nutrition for Gastrointestinal and Renal Diseases (Theory)
- Nutritional management of diseases of upper and lower GI, liver, gall bladder and exocrine
pancreas, renal diseases - Principles of diet therapy
- Pathogenesis, causes, signs and symptoms,diagnosis and dietary management of gastrointestinal and renal diseases
Criticare Nutrition (Theory)
- Nutritional management in hypermetabolic conditions – Stress, Trauma, Surgery, Sepsis, Burns
- Nutritional management of respiratory diseases and infections
- Nutritional management in cancer, arthritis
- Nutrition for special children
- Drug-nutrient interactions
Therapeutic Meal Planning (Practicals)
- Planning and cooking of diets for patients for suffering from GI diseases
- Planning and cooking of diets for patients for suffering from renal diseases
- Planning and cooking of diets for patients for suffering from respiratory diseases
- Planning and cooking of diets for patients for suffering from cancer
Food Product Development and Entrepreneurship (Theory)
- Food product development process
- Sensory evaluation of food
- Food packaging and labelling
- Entrepreneurship and Business planning
- Patents, licensing, trademark and intellectual property rights registration
- Product pricing and marketing
- Finance and investments
Sports Psychology (Theory)
- Fundamentals of sports psychology
- Eating disorders in sports person
- Effects and coping with eating disorders
- Role of motivation and attention in sports performance
- Anxiety and arousal management in sports
- Violence and drug abuse in sports
- Personality and sports
- Counselling in sports
Nutrition for Exercise & Fitness (Theory)
- Components of fitness and health
- Factors influencing components of fitness and health
- Assessment of physical fitness, mental fitness, stress and quality of life
- Nutrition for physical and mental fitness
Metabolic Adaptations (Theory)
- Metabolism of nutrients in the body.
- Changes in nutrient metabolism during fasting, feasting, exercise, pregnancy, lactation obesity.
- Role of Brain, liver, muscle, adipose tissue and gut in metabolic adaptation.
- Reductive adaptations.
- Consequences of metabolic adaptations.
- Consequences of failure of adaptations.
- Nutritional, Dietary and Lifestyle Strategies to confront adaptation.
Dietary Guidelines and Meal Planning for Sports Persons (Theory + Practical)
- Classification of sports, body composition of athletes.
- Nutritional requirements and Nutritional problems of athletes.
- Sports supplements and Doping regulations.
- Dietary Guidelines for endurance and team sports persons.
- Periodisation of nutrition during strength exercise.
- Hydration and Supplementation guidelines.
- Recovery nutrition guidelines.
- Planning of diets for sports persons.
Nutritional Management of Non Communicable Diseases (Theory)
Medical Nutrition Therapy – I (Practical)
- Planning and cooking of diets for
- Obesity, Eating disorders
- Type 1 and Type 2 DM & GDM patients
- Atherosclerosis, Hypertension
- Peptic Ulcer, NAFLD
Contemporary Issues and Advances in Human Nutrition (Theory) OR Instrumentation (Theory)
- Contemporary issues in Energy requirements-determination of energy requirements, energy imbalances and consequences, Obesity issues in early life-infancy, childhood, and adolescence
- Contemporary issues in carbohydrates and dietary fibre
- Health benefits of whole grains-cereals, millets and legumes -Recent research
- Contemporary issues in Proteins and lipids-supplements, deficiency, sarcopenia, Essential Fatty acid requirements
Contemporary issues in micronutrients-vitamins and minerals, RDA, deficiency and excess, supplementation
- Principles of working and applications of
- Colorimetry and spectrophotometry
- Chromatography
- Electrophoresis and Flame photometry
- Fiber, Fat and protein analysers
Research Methodology (Theory)
- Steps in Research process
- Research designs-qualitative, quantitative, Descriptive vs analytical research, Applied vs fundamental research, Exploratory vs conclusive research etc.
- Sampling Techniques: Probability & non probability techniques, Determination of sample size for different types of research.
- Variables, levels of measurement
- Methods and tools of data collection in Nutrition research
- Validity and Reliability
- Ethics in Research and Scientific writing
Public Health Nutrition (Theory)
- Health Economics, Indicators of health & Nutritional status.
- Nutritional deficiency disorders and Food and Nutrition security.
- Public health nutrition initiatives.
- Role of NGOs in food and nutrition security.
- Prevention and management of communicable diseases-Bacterial viral and parasitic infections, Fungal infestations.
- Nutrition in emergencies – natural and man-made emergencies on food and nutrition security of population.
- International organisations (WHO, UNICEF & WFP) involved in public health programmes.
Clinical Nutrition (Theory)
- Nutritional care process.
- Nutritional screening of critically ill patients.
- Role and responsibilities of dietitians.
- Therapeutic adaptations of the normal diet.
- Special feeding techniques: Enteral & Parenteral Nutrition- Indicators, Commercial Enteral Formulae, Home Enteral Nutrition.
- Nutritional management in the diseases of respiratory system, Renal system, Burns and Cancer – Pathophysiology, Nutritional managementin Etiology, clinical natures, basic diagnosis and nutritional management.
Nutritional Status and Fitness Assessment (Theory + Practical)
- Assessment of Nutritional Status.
- Anthropometry and body composition.
- Clinical and biochemical methods.
- Traditional and advanced methods of dietary assessment.
- Assessment of Physical and Mental Fitness.
Medical Nutrition Therapy – II (Practical)
- Planning and Cooking of diets for patients suffering from diseases of
- Respiratory system (COPD,ARDS, Bronchitis),
- Kidney (Nephritis, Acute Renal Failure, Chronic Kidney Disease, Kidney stones, Kidney transplant, Dialysis),
- Burns
- Cancer
Food Quality Control and Shelf Life Studies (Theory) OR Food Service Management
- Food Quality Control and Shelf Life Studies
- Guidelines for food safety-FSSAI,
- Physical indicators of food quality and Factors influencing
- Subjective and objective evaluation of food quality
- Physiology of taste, smell and touch
- Sensory panel, Types of sensory evaluation tests
- Physico-chemical methods- Use of weight, volume, specific gravity, moisture, Polarimeter, pH meter, Refractometer Viscometer etc.
- Microbial Indicators of food quality
- Shelf-life study of a food product
- Food Service Management
- Management of physical facilities and materials – Preparing Kitchen layouts for hospitals and restaurants, Equipment requirements for food production
- Management of Food production and service- Methods of food purchasing, Inventory management, Menu Planning
- Financial Management in food service institutions- Principles, Functions of management, Role and responsibilities
- Principles of Financial Management
- Accounting and bookkeeping
Internship & Industrial Training - II (Practical)
- Internship at hospitals/Fitness Centers/Food Industry

Employability & Careers
Our students have many options after graduation; right from launching their own practices to working with experts and many more. Some of the areas where one could get employed are: