Experiential Learning At LSI

Experiential Learning

Master Class

Bariatric Nutrition

Millet Masterclass with Priyanka Vithlani

Mindful Eating

Paushticon E-Conference Brief with Dr. Anuradha Shekhar


Meditation and Breathing Techniques

First Aid & CPR

Expressive Art Therapy

Consumer Awareness

Candle Meditation

Body Composition

Breastfeeding week Workshop - Dr. Pooja Singhania

Community Service

Beach Cleanup Drive

Cleaning Drive

Food Donation Drive at Aarey Colony

The Platelet Donation Drive

Industry Visit (IV)

Go Cheese


Inhouse Event


Sports Day

Extra Curricular Events

Independence Day

International Yoga Day

Meet Greet

National Nutrition Month

Poster Making

Experiential Learning

We are committed to the holistic development of our students to ensure superior outcomes and strong employability prospects. Our teaching methodology is focused on knowledge, application of knowledge and enhancing skills. The modern and enhanced curriculum has a blend of immersive industry exposure through the training & internships, intensive personal & professional development through the Classroom sessions, Master class, Case studies, workshops, combined with CSR activities all come together to create an experiential learning process.

Classroom Sessions

Classroom Sessions

Master Class

Master Class



Assignments and Projects

Assignments and Projects

Case Studies

Case Studies

Campaigns & Community Projects

Campaigns & Community Projects

In-House Events

In-House Events

Community Service

Community Service

Professional Competencies

Professional Competencies

Entrepreneurial Skills

Entrepreneurial Skills

English Proficiency Training

English Proficiency Training

Digital Learning

We want our students to learn with the most advance and digital techniques like:

BYOD Programme

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Programme enhances students’ learning experience using online and mobile technologies within and outside the classroom. This allows them to work on course materials and to participate in a collaborative learning environment, thus making them tech-savvy.

BYOD Programme

Communication and Collaboration

LSI is one of the leading institutes that empower students using modern-day technologies, online sessions and other hi-tech modules of training. Apart from Google Apps, we harness the flexibility and functionality of portals like Google Classroom, Shared Calendars, Hangout and the Drive. Our faculty collaborates using GSuite. This enables them to get instant feedback from students and to track their progress while streamlining their writing and research work.

Digital Learning - Communication and Collaboration

Prezi Presentation

Using visuals and movement instead of static text, Prezi catches and keeps the students’ interest. Jump freely from topic to topic, focusing on the syllabus we want to cover. Prezi’s unique format lets you show the whole story in context, displaying relationships between ideas in ways slides just can’t. Any subject is easier to remember when it all makes more sense.

YouTube Broadcasting

The presentations created by our students are broadcast on various platforms, including YouTube. This allows them to share their ideas and creativity with the world. The students themselves can create original content and share their own expertise with teachers, and classmates. This is a great way for students to develop an online presence and have a creative way to show what they know.

Educational Newsletters

Our Educational Newsletters feature the key highlights of the Institute, apart from presenting students’ achievements. The Newsletters also report the latest industry trends, growth and major events.


Vishwa Swasthyam (Conference Event)

What is Prediabetes? Prediabetes is a serious health condition characterized by an increase in blood glucose level but not high enough yet to be defined as type 2 diabetes. Unlike diabetes, prediabetes is often asymptomatic and reversible with early diagnosis and lifestyle modification. 464 million people World over were identified to be suffering from prediabetes in 2021. From this, 90 million are in India alone. The high prevalence of prediabetes is hinting at worrisome unhealthy future that requires immediate attention. Prediabetes is a window of opportunity to prevent diabetes that needs to be used carefully and strategically towards early prevention to contribute to a fit and healthy India. What is the Aim of the Conference? This international conference aims to highlight the prevalence, assessment and scheme of a plan of action towards preventive strategies including lifestyle modification programmes with a long-term adherence. The subthemes of the conference would focus on prediabetes assessment protocols, nutrition, mental health, stress management, exercise and holistic fitness, diabetes, etc.

Company Logos

The company logos section showcases a variety of educational website logos, representing platforms committed to facilitating learning and knowledge sharing.

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